Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Prospect of New Beginnings

I was asked, a few months ago, to start a blog.

That is not entirely true, I was told, a few months ago, to start a blog.  And like a good boy I did as I was told.  This is not something I do frequently, adhere to authority, but the source is trusted and so I acquiesce.

This blog will be of mixed nature.  Hopefully points will be amusing, others informative, with an occasional rant thrown in.  Currently I am working to conclude my MA in sociology.  I finished the first draft of my thesis on the tactics that white students use in maintaining white hegemony in the classroom.  It is safe to say that much of my internet words will be focused in this area and the crazy things that white folks do.  It is also safe to say that there will be a fair number of misspellings and typos.  While I am an aspiring academic I have never been one for focusing on the minutia of writing.  I am about to embark on the great adventure that is applying to PhD programs. I am confident that much tomfoolery and many shenanigans will be documented

The first formal post will come soon.  I hope everyone enjoys what is to follow

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. Finally, you sonuvabish...glad you got your bloggin' ass in gear. Please, follow mines blog as well?
